Believing is not just a word with a definition… it’s a way of life. How you believe shapes how you perceive the world around you. It is the essence in everything great that we achieve within ourselves. It’s the source of discovering wisdom and identity; it is the fuel to our fire. If you are feeling burnt out or are trekking through life without any real specific goals, you need to ask yourself, what is my true passion? Think about it in the eyes of an Olympian: their goal is to win gold, and what gets them there is their belief of holding that medal in their hands on the podium, despite the journey of sacrifices they make, their belief is their purpose to live!
1. Keep Your Visions Alive!
Every single person in this world has a vision for their life, but the difficult thing is actually keeping them ignited. Let’s dissect this a little further. Approach vision as if it were a flame. How does a flame stay ignited?Through oxygen right? It is the same with your visions and dreams, they also need the constant replenishment of oxygen, or otherwise they can end up dwindling. So, how do we keep breathing oxygen into our dreams? Well, the most helpful thought pattern you can use is to make a conscious effort to present your dreams and visions in everyday life. How? By thought, by reminders in your room, screensavers on your iPhone and by surrounding yourself with people who will inspire and encourage you to reach them.
2. Truth – Know What It Is
You have to know what you are striving for in life. What gives you that burning passion? As a woman, it is easy to forget the simple truths like, ‘I am beautiful’, ‘I have purpose’, ‘I am blessed’, ‘I am unique’ and ‘I am enough’. These simple truths are plagued with negative thoughts from society at large. We lose sight of our true potential. This is why it’s so imperative to have truth in yourself and your beliefs. Try to eliminate the negativity, and start believing in what is true about YOU!
3. Don’t Let Disappointment Stop You
If we let disappointment into our lives, it can kick us to the curb leaving us to feel discouraged and deflated. Disappointment can really shatter our beliefs, leaving our goals and ambitions neglected. Sure, disappointment is inevitable at times, but it’s the way you deal with it that counts. Start looking at disappointment in a new light; think of it not as a set back but rather encouragement to defy the odds and achieve your dreams! It’s a true fighter that gets us back up when we have been knocked down.
4. It Actually Doesn’t Have To Be All About You!
Instead of putting yourself in the centre of your universe, become a cheerleader to applaud and encourage others in your life. Try investing time and attention with people you care about. The core of any belief is to attain purpose, and knowing that you can make a difference by going out of your way to help and support others. This in turn gives you the encouragement you need to enrich your own active journey.
5. Don’t Compare!
As we all know, ‘comparison is the thief of joy’, and it is this kind of view in life that can destruct our beliefs. Comparison can create unnecessary insecurities and can turn one from humble to hard, and de-sensitised to the beautiful things in life. Being content with what you have is a skill that is hard to acquire in life. It is crucial to acknowledge who we are. Teach yourself daily things to be grateful for, and change the view from your cup being half empty to half full. A positive mindset will keep you going from strength to strength and will stimulate growth in your beliefs.
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